Kerala women traditional dress

The garments of south Indian States are greatly unfair by the way of life and tradition of Kerala. The colors of the garments are usually pure white or off-white and are plain in form. For a few particular occasions like wedding the colors symbolizes unusual shades of red. Further, the warm climatic conditions moreover put up with an influence on the kind of garments used up by the limited people of Kerala. Mundum neriyathum is the traditional garments of women in Kerala, South India. The mundum neryathum mainly it is having two sections of garment: A mundu is a one-part cloth swathed on the lower part whereas neriyathu is used up above a blouse and could be used up in moreover the traditional fashion with the neriyathum folded within the blouse, or in the contemporary fashion with the neriyathum used up on the left shoulder. It is used up by women from all groups of people of Kerala and is habitually referred simply as “Kerala saree”. The mundum neryathum...