Jeep Club Wayanad

Jeep Club Wayanad Off-road Challange Wayanad 2015 Jeep Club’ was inspired by the popularity of the ‘Off roading’ expeditions organised during Splash, the Wayanad monsoon carnival last year. To the surprise of the organisers, more than 100 motor sporting enthusiasts in 67 teams from all major cities including Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi participated in the event. The Wayanad Tourism Organization (WTO), which organizes the monsoon carnival, too played a role in the launch of the Jeep Club, explains its president K.S. Ramesh. “Although there are many jeeps here and we rode on risky hilly trails we never thought of organising this as a competition until now,” he adds, explaining that the Wayanad is ideal for such activity due to its cool climate. “We also have the curvy crude roads, labyrinthine jungle tracks, slushy roads and steep bumpy truck roads,” he points out. Ramesh and friends hope that the adventure driving expedition...