
Benefits of Being Vegetarian:
Why should one be vegetarian? Because the God inside us wants it.” ,tells Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the present Guru Ji of Dera Sacha Sauda.
One of the foremost principals of Dera Sacha Sauda stresses upon vegetarianism. Our religions have supported vegetarianism since ages. And now researches have also shown that human beings are vegetarian by nature. There are a number of evidences that reinforce people to be vegetarian;being it related to health, environment or ethics. The following sections share some of the facts beneficial for a healthy and happy living.


Studies of human evolution have shown that our ancestors were vegetarian by nature. The structure of the human body is not suited for eating meat. Dr. G. S. Huntingen of Columbia University, in a essay, pointed out that carnivores have short small and large intestines. Their large intestine is characteristically very straight and smooth. In contrast, vegetarian animals have both a long small intestine and a long large intestine. Because of the low fiber content and high protein density of meat, the intestines do not require a long time to absorb nutrients; thus, the intestines of carnivores are shorter in length than those of vegetarian animals.
Humans, like other naturally vegetarian animals, have both a long small and large intestine. Together, our intestines are approximately twenty-eight feet (eight and a half meters) in length. The small intestine is folded back on itself many times, and its walls are convoluted, not smooth. Because they are longer than those found in carnivores, the meat we eat stays in our intestines for a longer period of time. Consequently, the meat can putrefy and create toxins. These toxins have been implicated as a cause of colon cancer, and they also increase the burden on the liver, which has the function of getting rid of toxins. This can cause cirrhosis and even cancer of the liver.
Meat contains a lot of urokinase protein and urea, which add to the burden on the kidneys, and can destroy kidney function. There are fourteen grams of urokinase protein in every pound of steak. If living cells are put into liquid urokinase protein, their metabolic function will degenerate. Furthermore, meat lacks cellulose or fiber, and lack of fiber can easily create constipation. It is known that constipation can cause rectal cancer or piles.
The cholesterol and saturated fats in flesh also create cardiovascular disorders.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death. Experiments indicate that the burning and roasting of flesh creates a chemical element (Methylcholanthrene) which is a powerful carcinogen. Mice given this chemical develop cancers, such as bone tumors, cancer of the blood, cancer of the stomach, etc.
There is yet another concern. Antibiotics as well as other drugs including steroids and growth hormones are either added to animal feed or injected directly into the animals. It has been reported that people eating these animals will absorb these drugs into their bodies. There is a possibility that antibiotics in meat are diminishing the effectiveness of antibiotics for human use.
There are some people who consider the vegetarian diet not sufficiently nourishing.Renowned scientist working at scientific and industrial research council in national science institution, Bangalore, Dr. Keti has reached at the conclusion that vegetarian food is a complete food. A proper mix of vegetarian food items ,maintaining the nutrition at the time of cooking, eating boiled food, properly drying, sprouts and fermentation can increase the food quality. Milk and milk products have sufficient amount of protein, calcium and vitamins. The toned milk also contains 38 per cent of high protein. There is no nutritional element, which is present in meat and eggs and not available in milk. This is beneficial for the heart patients as well because it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; it is the antidote to several poisons.
The vegetarian food is rich in fiber whereas the non-vegetarian food is deficient in this element. These fibers are helpful in providing minerals and vitamins to the body. These avoid constipation and related diseases like piles, hernia, appendicitis, hepatitis, divertica, and varicose veins. These fibers are important because they protect us from stones and heart diseases by mutual action of cholesterol and bilirubin.
Many people have the idea that animal protein is ‘superior’ to plant protein because the former is considered a complete protein, and the latter is incomplete. The truth is that some plant proteins are complete, and that food combining can create complete proteins out of several incomplete protein foods.
It is often falsely believed that meat eaters are stronger than vegetarians, but an experiment conducted by Professor Irving Fisher of Yale University on 32 vegetarians and 15 meat-eaters showed that vegetarians had more endurance than meat eaters. He had people hold out their arms for as long as possible. The outcome from the test was very clear. Among the 15 meat-eaters, only two persons could hold out their arms for fifteen to thirty minutes; however, among the 32 vegetarians, 22 persons held out their arms for fifteen to thirty minutes, 15 persons for over thirty minutes, 9 persons for over one hour, 4 persons for over two hours, and one vegetarian held his arms out for over three hours.
Many long distance track athletes keep a vegetarian diet for the time preceding competitions. Dr. Barbara More, an expert in vegetarian therapy, completed a one hundred and ten mile race in twenty-seven hours and thirty minutes. A woman of fifty-six years of age, she broke all the records held by young men. “I want to be an example to show that people who take a whole vegetarian diet will enjoy a strong body, a clear mind, and a purified life.”
Does the vegetarian get enough protein in his diet? The World Health Organization recommends that 4.5% of daily calories be derived from protein. Wheat has 17% of it’s calories as protein, broccoli has 45% and rice has 8%. It is very easy to have a protein rich diet without eating meat. With the additional benefit of avoiding the many diseases caused by high fat diets such as heart disease and many cancers, vegetarianism is clearly the superior choice.
The relationship between consumption of meat, and other animal source foods containing high levels of saturated fats, and heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer and strokes has been proven. Other diseases which are often prevented and sometimes cured by a low fat vegetarian diet include: kidney stones, prostate cancer, diabetes, peptic ulcers, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, gum disease, acne, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, hypoglycemia, constipation, diverticulosis, hypertension, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer, hemorrhoids, obesity, and asthma.

The Environment:

Conservation of Fossil fuel: It takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of beef protein; 35 calories for 1 calorie of pork; 22 calories for 1 of poultry; but just 1 calorie of fossil fuel for 1 calorie of soybeans. By eating plant foods instead of animal foods helps conserve our non-renewable sources of energy.
Water Conservation: It takes 3 to 15 times as much water to produce animal protein as it does plant protein. As a vegetarian I contribute to water conservation.
Efficient use of grains: It takes up to 16 pounds of soybeans and grains to produce 1 lb. of beef and 3 to 6 lbs. to produce 1 lb of turkey & egg. By eating grain foods directly makes the food supply more efficient & that contributes to the environment.
Soil conservation: When grains & legumes are used more efficiently, our precious topsoil is automatically made more efficient in its use. We use less agricultural resources to provide for the same number of people.
Saving our forests: Tropical forests and other tropic regions are destroyed daily, in part, to create more acreage to raise livestock. By not supporting the meat industry directly reduces the demand to pillage these irreplaceable treasures of nature. Since the forest land “filters” our air supply and contains botanical sources for new medicines, this destruction is irreversible.

What religions say about it?

Indian religions avoid the eating of flesh. It is said that, “People can’t get flesh without killing things. A person who hurts sentient beings will never be blessed by God. So, avoid taking flesh!” (Hindu Precept)
The holy scripture of Islam, the Koran, forbids the “eating of dead animals, blood and flesh.”
Jesus said, “People who have animals’ flesh become their own tombs. I tell you honestly, the man who kills will be killed. The man who kills living things and eats their meat is eating the meat of the dead men.”
Many great Greek philosophers such as Plato, Diogenes, and Socrates all advocated vegetarianism.
Holy Bible says “God said, I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat; but for the wild animals and for all the birds I have provided grass and leafy plants for food.” (Genesis 1:29) .
“You must not eat meat with blood in it, because the life is in the blood.” (Genesis 9:4) ”
God said, Who told you to kill the bullock and the she goat to make an offering to me? Wash yourselves from this innocent blood, so I may hear your prayer; otherwise I will turn my head away because your hands are full of blood. Repent yourselves so I may forgive you.”
St. Paul, one of Jesus’ disciples, said in his letter to the Romans, “It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine.” (Romans 14:21)
Albert Einstein, the great scientist, also said, “I think the changes and purifying effects that a vegetarian diet have on a human being’s disposition are quite beneficial to mankind. Therefore, it is both auspicious and peaceful for people to choose vegetarianism.”
Gandhiji’s opinion:
The religion does not allow us to eat eggs and meat, “looking at the climate of our nation we should stop the consumption of eggs, meat and alcohol.”
A scientist’s opinion:
A scientist’s opinion A scientist said that the people who eat eggs appear to be very healthy in the beginning were very proud of them, their health is artificial and they have to loose their good health very soon. They contract different types of disease and they have to consult doctors and ayurvedic practitioners in order to get back the lost health. (Kalyan 9/73, page 964)
anumantaa vishamsitaa nihantaa kraya vikrayi
samskartaa copahartaa va khadakashceti ghatakah
The person who advises to eat non-vegetarian food, the butcher, the buyer, the seller, the cook, and the person who brings it and the person who eats it are all dangerous, killers and sinners.


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